Ruth Sewing Academy Q & A

FAQ for Sewing Lessons

How often do the classes meet?
How old do you have to be to start in the preteen class?
Can I take more than one class?
Do I need my own sewing machine?
How much are the class fees?

    1. How often does the class meet?
      Classes meet once a week for  2 hours for 6 weeks for the Adult classes.
    2. How old do you have to be to start in the preteen class?
      You have to be 9 to start in the youth classes.
    3. Can I take more than one class?
      Yes, you can take more than one class a week with the payment of the fee price for that class.
    4. Do I need my own sewing machine?
      You should have your own machine to learn on, but do not let that stop you from starting a class. I have machines you can use to learn on. I can also help you pick the right machine for you.
    5. How much are the class fees?
      Adult classes are per 6-week session 130.00 (see adult schedule for specials
    6. What do I need to bring to the first class?
      You only need to bring your sewing machine. I will bring the other supplies needed for the first day. I will be handing out a list of supplies and notions needed for the class.
    7. Where do I get notions for the class?
      I have a beginning sewing kit you can purchase the first day for only 49.95 that will include all the notions, and a 32-page step by step instruction book or you can buy them your self 
    8. How do I register for a class?
      You can register an adult 6-week session right here off the web site by clicking the date and times of the class you are wanting to join it will take to my shopping cart to pay for the session.
    9. Can I make up a missed class?
      When you pay for a session you are paying for a spot in that class for six consecutive weeks
      **No refund **No make-up for missed classes****
    10. How do I pay for the class?
      You can use the link next to the class date you wish to attend. I accept  “Paypal” or  Credit Card
    11. What the address of my Home office                                                  Due to teaching kid at my home office, I do not post the house number, But will say that I’m very close to I485 at ext 39 Harrisburg Rd ext. Halfway between the University area and Mint Hill